Thursday, February 16, 2012

Gecko INC is back!

The Gecko INC team has begun the Saturday Community Basketball again!

The Gecko INC CAS group had a meeting a week after the WWW trip. Here we decided to continue with the community basketball as it had been such a success last semester (raised over 400 US dollars through community basketball). As we had raised so much money, we have decided to look for another school that we can supply with sports equipment too(instead of just one school).
We had our first session last saturday but only a small amount of people attended due to the short notice . This weekend we are expecting more people to come and play. :)

SAISA football!!

I made this years SAISA girls football team yay!
We have had practices for the past 3 weeks and the team was finalized a couple of days ago. I am very excited for this season!
As being a memeber of the team, I must show commitment and attend all practices. I will also need to show team work as after all, football is a team based game. Through out this season I will be developing new skills in practices, practice games and the tournament.

My goals for this season:

  • stay committed
  • improve my skills in working in a team
  • developing new skillsin football
  • stay fit and active!